Thursday, February 26, 2009

Day 10 - Big Girl Steps!

Colleen (my PT) came today, and we transitioned from the walker to a cane! I can now make a loop from the den, thru the kitchen, into the hall then living room, then around the dining room table back to the kitchen! Who knew this would be such an exciting event! I'm able to almost get an even gate - although I need to think about stepping with my heel first, and to bend my new knee!

We started on standing exercises yesterday, so I've graduated from the seated in bed exercises to standing at the sink. These are a little harder, and really stretch the tendons and muscles in my thighs - but it feels good to progress.

My scar is slowly emerging from the "steri-strips" that Dr. Casscells put on after the plastic surgeon did the internal stitching. I've been reading about others who were stapled, and I think my scar will be much nicer! What do you think?

It's still a little "bruised", but all but five of the steri-strips have fallen off, and it seems pretty well healed! I've also included a picture of my ankle - which is now showing a lot of bruising - I understand that the blood will drain to the lowest point - which is my heel.... Soon they will all fade away, and my skin will be it's own lovely shade of beige! Yeah!

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