I've got to check back to see when I was able to stop using the cane, but I don't think it was this early. However, once I'm sitting for a while, I wish I had it!
I'm still icing quite a bit - and elevating - since the left knee is still swollen. I saw Dr. Chris on 5/7 - and he was pleased with my progress on both knees. Steve R measured me at 115 and -1 on Friday. I've started using the bike on level 1 and the NuStep on level 4 - 10 mins each. I really enjoyed the Aqua Therapy - 25 minutes of moving my legs and knees in 95 degree water!
I'm still sleeping erratically - maybe a total of 2 hrs at a time, then I flip and flop til I get comfortable again - and get another 2 hrs.... Went back to the Darvocet for night time - although I'm not sure how much good it actually does....
We leave for "vacation" next weekend - a 5 hr/4 hr two day drive to the OBX in NC. Not sure how this works with being on Medical leave, however, I'm sure the HR/Medical guys can help me with this one.... We're a little worried about the long drive, will be bringing the EBIce machine, and a converter for the car - and figure out a place I can stretch out and elevate my leg (the back seat?) during the icings. Sitting for a hr or so it just starts to ache...
More on that after our ride down next weekend!
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Day 21 - Day by Day
I think your mind is an incredible thing - I realize that a mere 8 weeks ago, I was at the same stage for my Right knee, however, I don't remember the "bad" stuff. I keep thinking I was much further along in the healing/movement cycle, but it is not so.....
Michele tells me that this knee is much more flexible than the first - and that I'm really progressing well. However, my nights are restless, I am sleeping for more hours at a time, but am still struggling with the increased pain at night. One thing that is very different from the first knee, is that I am not sleeping as late - on the first one, I did my best and deepest sleeping from 7 to 9 or 10 each day. Now I'm waking up at 7, and laying in bed til 8, thinking should I take one more Darvocet? Deciding not to, and then getting up....
I went cold turkey off the Darvocet on Saturday, since I only had a few pills left, and knew I'd run out before I could get a refill. I decided to try Tylenol (well the Walgreen's generic) Arthritis formula, but I had a pretty rough day, I went along in the car with JD as he did errands, and by the end of the day, I was feeling nauseous, and a little car sick. My knees (yes both of them) were stiff, and swollen - and I spent the rest of the day and evening icing. I then tried the Tylenol PM formula, and it worked for about 4 hours, then restless...
Michele tells me that this knee is much more flexible than the first - and that I'm really progressing well. However, my nights are restless, I am sleeping for more hours at a time, but am still struggling with the increased pain at night. One thing that is very different from the first knee, is that I am not sleeping as late - on the first one, I did my best and deepest sleeping from 7 to 9 or 10 each day. Now I'm waking up at 7, and laying in bed til 8, thinking should I take one more Darvocet? Deciding not to, and then getting up....
I went cold turkey off the Darvocet on Saturday, since I only had a few pills left, and knew I'd run out before I could get a refill. I decided to try Tylenol (well the Walgreen's generic) Arthritis formula, but I had a pretty rough day, I went along in the car with JD as he did errands, and by the end of the day, I was feeling nauseous, and a little car sick. My knees (yes both of them) were stiff, and swollen - and I spent the rest of the day and evening icing. I then tried the Tylenol PM formula, and it worked for about 4 hours, then restless...
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Day 14 - It's passing quickly
As I look back over the last week, I'm pleased with my progress. I've graduated to a cane, and at times, can even walk without it - but I sway badly, and don't want to get into that habit of walking.... I've walked outside several times - with JD's help walked around the yard - which is a lot harder than it sounds since the ground is uneven underneath that lush green lawn - to appreciate the spring flowers that are blooming. Our Pink dogwoods. that we planted several years ago when the sour gum fell down, are in full bloom! Very exciting! The bleeding hearts are blooming around the yard in their little shady spots. It's so much nicer to see them up close, rather than thru a window. I have to admit, I'm getting rammy!
I will be starting Out PT this week on Thursday - one day early! Colleen & Barbara (my Home PT) said that I'm doing so well, that Aetna wouldn't pay for another day of Home PT.... Surprising with my rough beginnings. However, I do know the drill, and am probably pushing it a bit - since I started doing my standing exercises earlier than they said to - just cause I needed to get moving....
My final measurements with the Goniometer were 111 degrees flexion and -.5 - 0 extension. I'm pleased.
I've also got my apetite back 100%, but am doing well at portion control - and have dropped all of the weight gain, plus some, so, hopefully next time I weigh-in with Weight Watchers, I'll be at the official 30 lbs down mark. I can tell, since I tried on three pairs of shorts, and the first two were way-y to big, so ended up with the third size down.... Yeah! What a way to lose weight! And with 3-4 lbs of new knee(s) to boot!
I'm still using the meds (darvocet) at a pretty regular pace - usually no more than 4.5 hrs between them, and can definitely feel it when I go too long. It's funny, you get a false sense of the level of pain when you're on the meds.... Over the next week, I'll be trying to space it out a lot farther...
Sleeping has also been a progression - I've moved from sleeping on my back 100% of the time to switching from side to side to back, moving when my hips, knees and everything else starts to ache... I'm now sleeping about 3 - 3.5 hrs at a clip, so that is much better.... I've stopped icing at night due to the chills.
I've started pulling my own weight around the house - well, a little anyway, and now am emptying the dishwasher, pushing the swivel sweeper (very light) around, and generally trying to pickup after myself. I've got a little carry bag that I use for all of my "have to haves", like my darvocet, book, ipod, and knitting project, that I could hook onto the walker, or carry easily while using the cane.
All in all, I'm pleased with my progress!
I will be starting Out PT this week on Thursday - one day early! Colleen & Barbara (my Home PT) said that I'm doing so well, that Aetna wouldn't pay for another day of Home PT.... Surprising with my rough beginnings. However, I do know the drill, and am probably pushing it a bit - since I started doing my standing exercises earlier than they said to - just cause I needed to get moving....
My final measurements with the Goniometer were 111 degrees flexion and -.5 - 0 extension. I'm pleased.
I've also got my apetite back 100%, but am doing well at portion control - and have dropped all of the weight gain, plus some, so, hopefully next time I weigh-in with Weight Watchers, I'll be at the official 30 lbs down mark. I can tell, since I tried on three pairs of shorts, and the first two were way-y to big, so ended up with the third size down.... Yeah! What a way to lose weight! And with 3-4 lbs of new knee(s) to boot!
I'm still using the meds (darvocet) at a pretty regular pace - usually no more than 4.5 hrs between them, and can definitely feel it when I go too long. It's funny, you get a false sense of the level of pain when you're on the meds.... Over the next week, I'll be trying to space it out a lot farther...
Sleeping has also been a progression - I've moved from sleeping on my back 100% of the time to switching from side to side to back, moving when my hips, knees and everything else starts to ache... I'm now sleeping about 3 - 3.5 hrs at a clip, so that is much better.... I've stopped icing at night due to the chills.
I've started pulling my own weight around the house - well, a little anyway, and now am emptying the dishwasher, pushing the swivel sweeper (very light) around, and generally trying to pickup after myself. I've got a little carry bag that I use for all of my "have to haves", like my darvocet, book, ipod, and knitting project, that I could hook onto the walker, or carry easily while using the cane.
All in all, I'm pleased with my progress!
Monday, April 20, 2009
Day 7 - One week after Surgery
I had a good weekend - I began to "walk" with my walker rather than step, move walker, step, move walker, etc. Good friends Rob & Deb came down on Saturday and brought dinner makings - Fish Tacos! It was really fun to be able to totally think about something else - as they related all of the decisions and milestones that they are dealing with in the rebuilding of their home.
The weather was spectacular on Saturday, and I sat on the front porch for about 1 1/2 hour - and several neighbors stopped by. The sun was out, all of the weeping cherries down the street were in full bloom, and when the wind blew - it seemed like it was snowing as the petals drifted to the ground. It reminded me of last spring when JD and I went (along with 2 million others) to Wash DC for the Cherry Blossom weekend - and walked along the Tidal Basin. I hope that I'll be able to do much longer walks than we did that weekend in the coming months and years.
One thing I found out this weekend is about my surgery day. I didn't realize how long I was in the recovery room - with JD waiting downstairs.... My surgery was 7:30am, we had to arrive at 5:30am, and I finally got to my room around 3pm. Usually you're in your room 2 - 3 hours after surgery - but in my case, my vital signs - bp, oxygen level, etc were so low that they kept me in recovery for (obviously) much longer. I don't remember any of this.
Yesterday, Sunday, I ate/drank every meal, moved a lot, did 2 rounds of my PT exercises, and generally felt much, much, much better than I have in the last week. I even started knitting again - which looking back I was doing even in the hospital last time. Boy oh Boy, was Michele right - each knee is different!
I don't feel like I have as much range of motion in this knee, but Colleen, my home PT will determine the exact measurements today on her Goniometer. My flexion measurements in the hospital were between 85 and 90 - and about 5 degrees of extension.
I took my first shower in a week today, boy did that feel good! I was glad to have the teak stool to rest on, and I even shaved my legs! Now I'm squeaky clean! It sure beats hanging over the tub holding on to the walker to wash my hair and take a sponge bath!
Thanks to everyone for their prayers, concern, caring, and comments!
The weather was spectacular on Saturday, and I sat on the front porch for about 1 1/2 hour - and several neighbors stopped by. The sun was out, all of the weeping cherries down the street were in full bloom, and when the wind blew - it seemed like it was snowing as the petals drifted to the ground. It reminded me of last spring when JD and I went (along with 2 million others) to Wash DC for the Cherry Blossom weekend - and walked along the Tidal Basin. I hope that I'll be able to do much longer walks than we did that weekend in the coming months and years.
One thing I found out this weekend is about my surgery day. I didn't realize how long I was in the recovery room - with JD waiting downstairs.... My surgery was 7:30am, we had to arrive at 5:30am, and I finally got to my room around 3pm. Usually you're in your room 2 - 3 hours after surgery - but in my case, my vital signs - bp, oxygen level, etc were so low that they kept me in recovery for (obviously) much longer. I don't remember any of this.
Yesterday, Sunday, I ate/drank every meal, moved a lot, did 2 rounds of my PT exercises, and generally felt much, much, much better than I have in the last week. I even started knitting again - which looking back I was doing even in the hospital last time. Boy oh Boy, was Michele right - each knee is different!
I don't feel like I have as much range of motion in this knee, but Colleen, my home PT will determine the exact measurements today on her Goniometer. My flexion measurements in the hospital were between 85 and 90 - and about 5 degrees of extension.
I took my first shower in a week today, boy did that feel good! I was glad to have the teak stool to rest on, and I even shaved my legs! Now I'm squeaky clean! It sure beats hanging over the tub holding on to the walker to wash my hair and take a sponge bath!
Thanks to everyone for their prayers, concern, caring, and comments!
Friday, April 17, 2009
Day 5 - First Home PT visit
Barb from VNA Visiting Nurses PT came this morning for my evaluation. She noted that my oxygen count is still low - 90 - 93, my blood pressure is high - 160/81, and pulse is high- over 100. But my temperature is normal - so that is good.... Not sure why, but decided to weigh myself - and yikes! I'm almost 10 lbs higher than the morning before we left for surgery.
We call Dr. Cascell's office to ask if all this was "normal". It took several hours for them to respond. Apparently this conditon is normal...for people who've had blood problems...due to a bad procedure! Eileen suggested geritol (iron) and/or dark green leafy vegetables.
Day 5 and have only eaten several bites of food in past 3 days...anyone who knows me knows that's unusual!!! Not sure why I'm not losing weight instead of gaining....
I think the extra weight it a result of all of the extra liquids I was given at the hospital, so will be keeping an eye on that. Maybe the hourly pee will take care of the water/liquid weight - that or the exercise of going up and down the stairs each time. This morning, I was so tired after I stayed upstairs at 10:30, and slept until each pee break. I didn't feel like making the hike up/down the stairs. I came back down around 2pm, and have eaten a little - I ate about 1 inch of the left over Bobbie from yesterday, and about 2/3 of a cup of chicken enchilada soup. Been trying to keep the water intake up to keep flushing the stuff in my body...
We call Dr. Cascell's office to ask if all this was "normal". It took several hours for them to respond. Apparently this conditon is normal...for people who've had blood problems...due to a bad procedure! Eileen suggested geritol (iron) and/or dark green leafy vegetables.
Day 5 and have only eaten several bites of food in past 3 days...anyone who knows me knows that's unusual!!! Not sure why I'm not losing weight instead of gaining....
I think the extra weight it a result of all of the extra liquids I was given at the hospital, so will be keeping an eye on that. Maybe the hourly pee will take care of the water/liquid weight - that or the exercise of going up and down the stairs each time. This morning, I was so tired after I stayed upstairs at 10:30, and slept until each pee break. I didn't feel like making the hike up/down the stairs. I came back down around 2pm, and have eaten a little - I ate about 1 inch of the left over Bobbie from yesterday, and about 2/3 of a cup of chicken enchilada soup. Been trying to keep the water intake up to keep flushing the stuff in my body...
Day 4 (Thursday) - Time to go home
Day 2 in hospital was a little rough - I had to have another two units of O- blood - this makes a total of four (4)! I ate almost nothing for dinner on Wednesday night - good thing J.D. didn't make the dinner he was thinking of. All in all, this time in hospital has been vastly different - I've been exhausted, low oxygen count (low 90's) , racing heart - and his pulse (100+), and I've gotten enough lactated ringers and Red Blood Cells (via IV) to float a ship. During the night on Tuesday night, my heart was racing (also low oxygen count) - so they put me on oxygen. This really helped - it's really weird to feel your heart beating in your head and ears.
Remember the old Bill Cosby routine "What do you mean when you say 'oops'"? Most of Jan's slow and lethargic recovery has been because of a mistake made before surgery. Seems the nurse surgical team took too much blood (100cc vs. 30cc) for a new anti-coagulant mix/process during surgery. Oops. That resulted in Jan's battle in fighting low blood count, anemia, chills, exhaustion, and other symptoms not directly related to the surgery itself.
I guess that's why they call it "medical practice"...
So, they let me out of the hospital around 11am - and we stopped at Capriotti's for a Bobbie - that should get the blood pressure up some (it didn't). - I settled into my comfie "stressless" chair with my legs elevated, and my new knee iced, and I proceeded to sleep away most of the afternoon.
JD made a wonderful Chicken Picata with fresh asparagus, and cheese tortellini for dinner, and I ate very little - guess I know what I'll have for lunch or dinner tomorrow.
Off to bed at 9pm
Remember the old Bill Cosby routine "What do you mean when you say 'oops'"? Most of Jan's slow and lethargic recovery has been because of a mistake made before surgery. Seems the nurse surgical team took too much blood (100cc vs. 30cc) for a new anti-coagulant mix/process during surgery. Oops. That resulted in Jan's battle in fighting low blood count, anemia, chills, exhaustion, and other symptoms not directly related to the surgery itself.
I guess that's why they call it "medical practice"...
So, they let me out of the hospital around 11am - and we stopped at Capriotti's for a Bobbie - that should get the blood pressure up some (it didn't). - I settled into my comfie "stressless" chair with my legs elevated, and my new knee iced, and I proceeded to sleep away most of the afternoon.
JD made a wonderful Chicken Picata with fresh asparagus, and cheese tortellini for dinner, and I ate very little - guess I know what I'll have for lunch or dinner tomorrow.
Off to bed at 9pm
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Day 3: Who knew Christiana Care was a BYO!
Tough afternoon and early evening...seems the hospital ice machine(s) broke, so Jan and her roommate Linda (as well as many other knee and hip replacement patients) didn't get any icing of her knee for 4-5 hours. Earlier in the day many of the blood pressure machines weren't working. The first evening was fraught with bleeping IV blood/Ringer's drip machine problems, Pulse/Ox machine alarms going off because nobody knew how to set it. Isn't technology, and the people who run it, wonderful?
Ironic that the new $200millon hospital expansion, including a new wing for joint replacement, starts next week. I wonder if they'll get a new ice machine...
JD went across the street to the local liquor store and bought ice for Jan.
Ironic that the new $200millon hospital expansion, including a new wing for joint replacement, starts next week. I wonder if they'll get a new ice machine...
JD went across the street to the local liquor store and bought ice for Jan.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Day 2 (Post Surgery)
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Second Day: MUCH Better!
Monday, April 13, 2009
Second Surgery: Doing Well
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Deja Vu....
It feels like I've been here before.....
I've started packing for my left Total Knee Replacement (TKR), getting everything ready for my four day stay at the Wilmington Hospital - Center for Advanced Joint Replacement. I've requested the bed by the window (experience from the first one) so I can see some natural light, as well as a little buffer from the noise and light in the hallway.

I had one of my last Out PT session(s) on Wednesday with Michele Gould (picture below)- who did my final evaluation. With a little pushing (and I mean that literally - and it does hurt) she got me to Zero extension - which means flat - back of the knee touching the table, and measured at 120 degrees flexion with the goniometer (I've included a picture of my favorite tool). She was pleased with my progress, and actually expressed surprise that Dr Chris is doing manipulation of the knee while I'm under. This is done to give a little extra extension and flexion - which I r
eally don't need at this point - but if he can get me to zero extension without the pushing, that would be great! I asked her to measure my left knee so I can have a baseline - and it was 135 degrees. Michele set my expectations at 125 for my knees - which I'll be very happy with. She also keeps telling me that each knee is different...
Yesterday I had my actual final Out PT with Steve R - who is the manager at PT Plus at Foulkstone Plaza. He and Michele have different techniques, but both are very good. I've setup my appointments with Michele and Steve for after my next surgery, so I'll be ready, and have the appointment times that I like.
So, I'm getting excited to get this behind me, and to get to this point (eight weeks after) from my second surgery. I'm looking forward to walking with little or no pain - it's amazing that my right knee is tight, but my left really hurts when I walk - and then beginning to do other fun things like biking, and golf again! I've been told that is all possible, including skiing which I hope/plan to do next winter!
Thanks to all of my friends and colleagues for your support and encouragement over the last couple of months!
So, keep your eyes on the blog, I'll (and JD) keep you informed of my progress.
I've started packing for my left Total Knee Replacement (TKR), getting everything ready for my four day stay at the Wilmington Hospital - Center for Advanced Joint Replacement. I've requested the bed by the window (experience from the first one) so I can see some natural light, as well as a little buffer from the noise and light in the hallway.

I had one of my last Out PT session(s) on Wednesday with Michele Gould (picture below)- who did my final evaluation. With a little pushing (and I mean that literally - and it does hurt) she got me to Zero extension - which means flat - back of the knee touching the table, and measured at 120 degrees flexion with the goniometer (I've included a picture of my favorite tool). She was pleased with my progress, and actually expressed surprise that Dr Chris is doing manipulation of the knee while I'm under. This is done to give a little extra extension and flexion - which I r

Yesterday I had my actual final Out PT with Steve R - who is the manager at PT Plus at Foulkstone Plaza. He and Michele have different techniques, but both are very good. I've setup my appointments with Michele and Steve for after my next surgery, so I'll be ready, and have the appointment times that I like.
So, I'm getting excited to get this behind me, and to get to this point (eight weeks after) from my second surgery. I'm looking forward to walking with little or no pain - it's amazing that my right knee is tight, but my left really hurts when I walk - and then beginning to do other fun things like biking, and golf again! I've been told that is all possible, including skiing which I hope/plan to do next winter!
Thanks to all of my friends and colleagues for your support and encouragement over the last couple of months!
So, keep your eyes on the blog, I'll (and JD) keep you informed of my progress.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Day 38 - and 15 days and counting
OK, so I got cocky.... I had a really restless sleep without the Darvocet - tossing and turning, and thinking about the dull ache in my knee, so on Tuesday and all the nights since, I've taken one before bed, along with a Benedryl (or Waldryl - Walgreen's generic). This has helped tremendously - in fact last night I slept until 6am, got up briefly and went back to bed til 8:30am! I also found one of my travel Temperpedic pillows and used it as a cushion between my legs when I sleep on my side. This worked really well too....
My left knee (the one that goes next) has been acting up - I guess the Supartz is not the solution, and it's now pretty swollen on both sides (water on the knee). I was beginning to think maybe I didn't need to do the left one - oh, well....
JD has the opportunity to go on a Geezer Golf trip the last week of April cause two guys dropped out, and we've been reviewing my Blog to see what my state was during the that time period for the first TKR. It's like Day 12 thru Day 19. We're talking it thru, thinking of all of the issues - like how do we get the ice upstairs at night - but I'll have two machines then, and it would only be getting the frozen bottles up (and down) each day. Food and drugs (getting them from the drugstore) can be done in advance... One issue is Out PT on the Friday, which I'd have to get to - and I don't know if I'd be able to drive yet. All of the other PT sessions should be at home - since Aetna covers 6 visits. So, it's possible that I could do it mostly on my own - with a little help from my friends....
We'll talk about it, and make a decision later...
My left knee (the one that goes next) has been acting up - I guess the Supartz is not the solution, and it's now pretty swollen on both sides (water on the knee). I was beginning to think maybe I didn't need to do the left one - oh, well....
JD has the opportunity to go on a Geezer Golf trip the last week of April cause two guys dropped out, and we've been reviewing my Blog to see what my state was during the that time period for the first TKR. It's like Day 12 thru Day 19. We're talking it thru, thinking of all of the issues - like how do we get the ice upstairs at night - but I'll have two machines then, and it would only be getting the frozen bottles up (and down) each day. Food and drugs (getting them from the drugstore) can be done in advance... One issue is Out PT on the Friday, which I'd have to get to - and I don't know if I'd be able to drive yet. All of the other PT sessions should be at home - since Aetna covers 6 visits. So, it's possible that I could do it mostly on my own - with a little help from my friends....
We'll talk about it, and make a decision later...
Monday, March 23, 2009
Day 33 - More Milestones/Accomplishments
I know it doesn't sound like much to those with two "working" knees, but the following are MAJOR milestones for me....
Yesterday, for the first time since the surgery I was able to:
1) Sit down on toilet without holding on to walls, window sills, etc.
2) Walk down the stairs one foot on a stair at a time (rather than one foot down, bring down other foot, proceed to next step). It wasn't fast, but it was something I haven't done since Feb 15th
3) I didn't take any Darvocet all day yesterday or last night.
I'm also pretty consistently going up stairs regularly - Michele (my PT) gave me a new exercise that really helps with this - you put your new (knee) foot up on the bottom stair, then (no hands), slowly bring up your other foot, then slowly put it back on the floor. I do this 10 times, take a short break, then 10 times again - twice a day. Once I've done this, I can almost run (I said almost) up the stairs!
I did wake up however with both knees swollen - my left (the one scheduled for surgery on 4/13) is swollen more than normal, and my right is really tight (the skin) - So, I've been using my little EBIce machine for both of them alternating!
My scar is getting less noticeable - I've been putting vitamin E on it every day (advice from the PT folks), and rubbing it - they said that will help break up the scar tissue. JD told me to remind Dr. Chris to make the left one symmetrical to the right - it will be like two out facing parenthesis'.
I've been working about 4 - 6 hrs a day pretty consistently for three weeks now - broken up by my morning & afternoon PT sessions at home, and M-W-F at PT Plus down the road with Michele Gould. She's been pushing me hard, adding more and more exercises, and it's paying off. Not only am I now at 116 degrees flexion, but I'm really close to zero degrees (flat) extension. And, when I weighed it at Weight Watcher's yesterday - I'd lost 2.2 lbs making a total of 4.8 lbs since I had surgery - for a total of 28.6 lbs total.
So, All in all, I'm feeling pretty good with myself. I'm still working from home so I can do the PT on my schedule, and ice when needed - even while working. I'll probably keep this up til after the second surgery, so if you're a co-worker and wondering if you can contact me, please don't hesistate - AIM works best - watsonjl28....
Yesterday, for the first time since the surgery I was able to:
1) Sit down on toilet without holding on to walls, window sills, etc.
2) Walk down the stairs one foot on a stair at a time (rather than one foot down, bring down other foot, proceed to next step). It wasn't fast, but it was something I haven't done since Feb 15th
3) I didn't take any Darvocet all day yesterday or last night.
I'm also pretty consistently going up stairs regularly - Michele (my PT) gave me a new exercise that really helps with this - you put your new (knee) foot up on the bottom stair, then (no hands), slowly bring up your other foot, then slowly put it back on the floor. I do this 10 times, take a short break, then 10 times again - twice a day. Once I've done this, I can almost run (I said almost) up the stairs!
I did wake up however with both knees swollen - my left (the one scheduled for surgery on 4/13) is swollen more than normal, and my right is really tight (the skin) - So, I've been using my little EBIce machine for both of them alternating!
My scar is getting less noticeable - I've been putting vitamin E on it every day (advice from the PT folks), and rubbing it - they said that will help break up the scar tissue. JD told me to remind Dr. Chris to make the left one symmetrical to the right - it will be like two out facing parenthesis'.
I've been working about 4 - 6 hrs a day pretty consistently for three weeks now - broken up by my morning & afternoon PT sessions at home, and M-W-F at PT Plus down the road with Michele Gould. She's been pushing me hard, adding more and more exercises, and it's paying off. Not only am I now at 116 degrees flexion, but I'm really close to zero degrees (flat) extension. And, when I weighed it at Weight Watcher's yesterday - I'd lost 2.2 lbs making a total of 4.8 lbs since I had surgery - for a total of 28.6 lbs total.
So, All in all, I'm feeling pretty good with myself. I'm still working from home so I can do the PT on my schedule, and ice when needed - even while working. I'll probably keep this up til after the second surgery, so if you're a co-worker and wondering if you can contact me, please don't hesistate - AIM works best - watsonjl28....
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Day 23 - Check in with Dr Chris
Dr Casscells checked out my flexibility and my scar, and said I'm doing great! I've been to see Michele at PT Plus three times, and she's added some additional exercises to my twice daily regimen. When she measured my flexion yesterday - I was at 113 degrees - which is good. She's also been working on strengthening my left leg in preparation for my next surgery.
I was able to use the stationary bike at PT Plus - and make full revolutions with my new knee.... And my biggest achievement is that I can now go up the stairs, one foot at a time, rather than old knee up, new knee up, then on to the next step! It's slow going, but a step change, none the less! I can't do it going down yet, but maybe in the next week.....
I now can get around without my cane, JD says I'm walking quite naturally - and I've walked around our neighborhood (about 1/3 mile) earlier this week (using the cane).
I got a final shot of Supartz in the left knee, since it's started swelling and hurting again, so hopefully, this will give me some relief until the surgery.
I was able to use the stationary bike at PT Plus - and make full revolutions with my new knee.... And my biggest achievement is that I can now go up the stairs, one foot at a time, rather than old knee up, new knee up, then on to the next step! It's slow going, but a step change, none the less! I can't do it going down yet, but maybe in the next week.....
I now can get around without my cane, JD says I'm walking quite naturally - and I've walked around our neighborhood (about 1/3 mile) earlier this week (using the cane).
I got a final shot of Supartz in the left knee, since it's started swelling and hurting again, so hopefully, this will give me some relief until the surgery.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Day 17 - I've graduated!
Yesterday, I saw Mary Beth, one of my home PT's, and she's signed off for me to begin Out PT. We've decided on PT Plus with a specific Physical Therapist - Michele Gould. JD did most of the research - to make sure that I get the best and most challenging PT available. Since I'm young (55) for this surgery, most of the people going thru PT are in their 70's or older. Their goals are mobility, getting around the house with less pain, etc. My goals are much bigger - Skiing, golf, biking, and of course getting around the house and my life with NO pain..... Our first choice was Elite PT - with Hash and Rudy, but unfortunately, Elite PT is out of Network for Aetna, and this could prove to be quite expensive over the long haul, which I'm going to need with two knees going thru TKR. So, we chose PT Plus - which is part of the Christiana Care Physical Therapy group. Michele comes very highly regarded - being one of the PT's for the Women's Olympic Soccer Team in Beijing! She also trained with Hash and Rudy when they were at PT Plus, so we think I'm in good hands! She may even think I'm a wimp compared to her Olympic athletes!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Day 15 - Putting my toe in the water......
I started doing some work today, really, I've got most of my leg in the water - but those of you who know me, know I can't just dabble.....
But, I've also got to be a realist, and know my limitations. I found myself pulled into SFDC (Salesforce.com for those who don't know), and finally had to push myself to get out of my chair and walk around. Now I've got to do my PT, then maybe a little more work...
Or maybe a nap.
JD took his day off from nursing today, he drove down to Rehobeth Beach to visit an old friend and have lunch.
I'm obviously getting around OK without him, and Colleen, my PT came this morning and told me I'm doing well or better than expected. I hit 110 degrees of flexion today, which is good, I think! Some people get to this point, and never progress beyond it - my goal is at least 115 or better. Think about that next time you've got your feet way under your chair - rather than in front of you, or straight down... Don't take it for granted!!!!
But, I've also got to be a realist, and know my limitations. I found myself pulled into SFDC (Salesforce.com for those who don't know), and finally had to push myself to get out of my chair and walk around. Now I've got to do my PT, then maybe a little more work...
Or maybe a nap.
JD took his day off from nursing today, he drove down to Rehobeth Beach to visit an old friend and have lunch.
I'm obviously getting around OK without him, and Colleen, my PT came this morning and told me I'm doing well or better than expected. I hit 110 degrees of flexion today, which is good, I think! Some people get to this point, and never progress beyond it - my goal is at least 115 or better. Think about that next time you've got your feet way under your chair - rather than in front of you, or straight down... Don't take it for granted!!!!
Monday, March 2, 2009
Foxy Lady!

I was taking pictures of the snow, and what did I see (and get a picture of?), our FOX! I caught a quick photo of her treking thru the snow, right before she dipped over the bank down to the creek for a drink of water.

I also thought I'd share with you a photo of snow on the whirley gig - which was actually moving with all of that snow on top!
The school's are closed, so it' wonderful to hear the screams of delight of the children as they play. JD just went out for a cross country ski at Bellevue Park - which has an old horse track and lots of great bike trails and little hills - which could make for some great skiing! Next year, I'll be able to join him!
Day 14 - A good weekend and snow to boot!
I went outside again yesterday, and walked up to Morley's - 2 doors down, yeah! It's slightly uphill, so it's more of a challenge than it sounds... I also actually put on shoes - well, one sho
e - JD had to put on and tie the other.... Usually I just walk a loop thru the house every couple of hours. Being outside was really nice, and as usual, we bumped into several neighbors, so I got to say "hi!" too.
With the exception of the two walking excursions, I haven't been outside of my home for two weeks (if you don't count the hospital). Dr Casscells really doesn't want me out in the world for at least a month - due to infection - which can be devastating. I learned that I won't be able to have any kind of "procedure" for at least six months and then will need antibiotics prior to ensure that any infection does not migrate to my new joint(s).
I'm still taking Darvocet every 4 hours or so, especially before PT to be able to push myself further than I'd normally go. Nights are the worst - not sure why, but I'm toally aware of the pain, and using the ice makes me shiver and cold. Not a good combination.... cause my thigh muscles start to contract, which are connected to the knee... you get the picture. I'm actually thinking of sleeping in my chair tonight - to see if maybe it's the angle of my legs.
Just got a call from Colleen, my PT, and she's not coming today. We got about 6 inches of snow last night, and it's still coming down. The roads don't look very good - and she's got a small child. So, I won't find out if I made more progess on my flexion until tomorrow! I'll keep working it during my self PT today.

So, I've been occupying my time with listening to books and knitting. I've finished one project that has been sitting around for years - it' snow a lovely lap blanket - and I've made two hats and a scarf. Plus I've picked up several other projects that have been sitting around for years. I usually have about six projects going at once - I admit - I'm a multi-tasker - just ask anyone I work with!
Knitting works really well cause it's something to occupy my hands while I'm forced to keep my leg up and on ice (it's under the lap blanket). It also allows for more multi-tasking cause I listen to books while I knit.
I've finished a bunch of mysteries - which are kind of mindless and fun to listen to. I prepared prior to surgery by requesting audio books from the library, and ripping them to iTunes - then bringing them down to my iPod. Easy to carry around.

JD just got in from plowing the driveway, and I'm watching the snow just float down outside the den window - it's actually quite beautiful... This is the view from my chair:

With the exception of the two walking excursions, I haven't been outside of my home for two weeks (if you don't count the hospital). Dr Casscells really doesn't want me out in the world for at least a month - due to infection - which can be devastating. I learned that I won't be able to have any kind of "procedure" for at least six months and then will need antibiotics prior to ensure that any infection does not migrate to my new joint(s).
I'm still taking Darvocet every 4 hours or so, especially before PT to be able to push myself further than I'd normally go. Nights are the worst - not sure why, but I'm toally aware of the pain, and using the ice makes me shiver and cold. Not a good combination.... cause my thigh muscles start to contract, which are connected to the knee... you get the picture. I'm actually thinking of sleeping in my chair tonight - to see if maybe it's the angle of my legs.
Just got a call from Colleen, my PT, and she's not coming today. We got about 6 inches of snow last night, and it's still coming down. The roads don't look very good - and she's got a small child. So, I won't find out if I made more progess on my flexion until tomorrow! I'll keep working it during my self PT today.

So, I've been occupying my time with listening to books and knitting. I've finished one project that has been sitting around for years - it' snow a lovely lap blanket - and I've made two hats and a scarf. Plus I've picked up several other projects that have been sitting around for years. I usually have about six projects going at once - I admit - I'm a multi-tasker - just ask anyone I work with!
Knitting works really well cause it's something to occupy my hands while I'm forced to keep my leg up and on ice (it's under the lap blanket). It also allows for more multi-tasking cause I listen to books while I knit.
I've finished a bunch of mysteries - which are kind of mindless and fun to listen to. I prepared prior to surgery by requesting audio books from the library, and ripping them to iTunes - then bringing them down to my iPod. Easy to carry around.

JD just got in from plowing the driveway, and I'm watching the snow just float down outside the den window - it's actually quite beautiful... This is the view from my chair:
Friday, February 27, 2009
Day 11 - Milestones

Today was another day for milestones....
1) I put on long pants - well, they were my purple sweats, but they had long legs! It's nice to be a little warmer.
2) I went outside!
3) I walked down our stairs, out to the driveway, then up to the Kingsley's (the house next door), back to the Ambro's driveway - up to the garage door, then back home. This is the longest I've walked since the surgery. I used my cane - which JD bought for me in Japan when my left knee began acting up.
On the downside, I felt really faint this morning after doing the first set of 15 reps of my exercise program - not sure if it had to do with not eating yet - I'd speculate that was it. I had to sit down for a while before the cold sweats went away. Brings back the reality of the status of my recovery.

I just finished knitting a Chemo cap for a friend who's undergoing chemotherapy for breast cancer. It took just a couple of days - which surprised me...It's made of baby alpaca & silk, and is soft, and very colorful - since I used my favorite colors of purple and teal. I used a pattern in Cat Bohrdi's book - A Treasury of Magical Knitting. It starts with a Moebius for the brim, then has a lotus flower pattern. I've got a little of the yarn left, and think I'll knit one for myself using the same yarn for the moebius - since that's what goes over the ears.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Day 10 - Big Girl Steps!
Colleen (my PT) came today, and we transitioned from the walker to a cane! I can now make a loop from the den, thru the kitchen, into the hall then living room, then around the dining room table back to the kitchen! Who knew this would be such an exciting event! I'm able to almost get an even gate - although I need to think about stepping with my heel first, and to bend my new knee!
We started on standing exercises yesterday, so I've graduated from the seated in bed exercises to standing at the sink. These are a little harder, and really stretch the tendons and muscles in my thighs - but it feels good to progress.
My scar is slowly emerging from the "steri-strips" that Dr. Casscells put on after the pla
stic surgeon did the internal stitching. I've been reading about others who were stapled, and I think my scar will be much nicer! What do you think?

It's still a little "bruised", but all but five of the steri-strips have fallen off, and it seems pretty well healed! I've also included a picture of my ankle - which is now showing a lot of bruising - I understand that the blood will drain to the lowest point - which is my heel.... Soon they will all fade away, and my skin will be it's own lovely shade of beige! Yeah!
We started on standing exercises yesterday, so I've graduated from the seated in bed exercises to standing at the sink. These are a little harder, and really stretch the tendons and muscles in my thighs - but it feels good to progress.
My scar is slowly emerging from the "steri-strips" that Dr. Casscells put on after the pla

It's still a little "bruised", but all but five of the steri-strips have fallen off, and it seems pretty well healed! I've also included a picture of my ankle - which is now showing a lot of bruising - I understand that the blood will drain to the lowest point - which is my heel.... Soon they will all fade away, and my skin will be it's own lovely shade of beige! Yeah!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Day 9 days after surgery - baby steps
I'm making progress.....
1) Yesterday, I lifted my leg from the floor onto the ottoman with three pillows without the help of my trusty leg lifter (one of the tools I was given (I'm sure I bought it!) while in the hospital.
2) Last night, I got my leg up and down from bed every time (it's still about every 2 hours) without the leg lifter.
3) My Flexion (how close to my body I can move my foot in sitting position) is now at 109 degrees. It was at 103 when i left the hospital, and has gone up 2 degrees with each visit of the Physical Therapist (PT)
4) I carried my coffee into the den by myself - using the walker with one hand, and the coffee in the other (and I didn't spill it!)
5) The measurements of my right thigh, knee and calf are almost the same as my left leg - which means the swelling has mostly gone down!
Baby steps, but progress all the same! It feels good!
1) Yesterday, I lifted my leg from the floor onto the ottoman with three pillows without the help of my trusty leg lifter (one of the tools I was given (I'm sure I bought it!) while in the hospital.
2) Last night, I got my leg up and down from bed every time (it's still about every 2 hours) without the leg lifter.
3) My Flexion (how close to my body I can move my foot in sitting position) is now at 109 degrees. It was at 103 when i left the hospital, and has gone up 2 degrees with each visit of the Physical Therapist (PT)
4) I carried my coffee into the den by myself - using the walker with one hand, and the coffee in the other (and I didn't spill it!)
5) The measurements of my right thigh, knee and calf are almost the same as my left leg - which means the swelling has mostly gone down!
Baby steps, but progress all the same! It feels good!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
I'm a Knitting Fool!
One of the things that I can do well right now is knit. I have to admit, it was a bit challenging in the hospital with the morphine the first night and day, and the Percoset the rest of the time, but it's been
a constant in my days since I checked into the hospital 8 days ago.
I brought with me a pair of socks that I've started twice, and two skeins of beautiful alpaca, merino and cashmere yarn
to make a Moebius scarf. Those of you who have read my previous posts heard about the four false starts on the moebius..... Well, I've finished it - and it's quite beautiful - at least I think so! I've select two photos to show you 1) the whole thing with the moebius twist, and 2) the detail of the arrow pattern. I still have to block it to get the lace (open work) to show better, but it's warm, soft and wearable right now!
I also took a look at a vest that I just finished - and was very disappointed in - The yarn is gorgeous - it's Brooks Farm yarn which I got at Stitches in Baltimore in 2007
. I found a vest pattern at Tess' booth, and figured it would be a good match.... Unfortunately, the weight of the wool/mohair yarn and the pattern look lovely, but the overall vest when complete was heavy, and way, way to big. So, I've taken lemons, and am making lemonade!!!!
The pattern for the vest is a series of connected mitered squares, and I've found that without the top arm holes (which I've pulled out), I am now just adding more squares, and will make a nice lap blanket to warm my cold calves following total knee replacement surgery! One of the limitations I've got now is I have to keep the knee exposed, so that means wearing shorts, or capris, which I can rollup on the surgery knee. I am using it now as I continue adding the squares, and will defintely use it in April with the 2nd knee.

I brought with me a pair of socks that I've started twice, and two skeins of beautiful alpaca, merino and cashmere yarn

I also took a look at a vest that I just finished - and was very disappointed in - The yarn is gorgeous - it's Brooks Farm yarn which I got at Stitches in Baltimore in 2007

The pattern for the vest is a series of connected mitered squares, and I've found that without the top arm holes (which I've pulled out), I am now just adding more squares, and will make a nice lap blanket to warm my cold calves following total knee replacement surgery! One of the limitations I've got now is I have to keep the knee exposed, so that means wearing shorts, or capris, which I can rollup on the surgery knee. I am using it now as I continue adding the squares, and will defintely use it in April with the 2nd knee.
Sunday, February 22, 2009

Rob & Deb called yesterday afternoon, to see if I'd mind if they brought down dinner from Whole Foods in Philly, and came for a visit. What a pleasure! JD did have to do some cleanup in preparation for visit - since I've been staying in the guest room (the bed is higher for getting in and out of bed - and also getting to bathroom with the walker - our bedroom layout would not be very condusive.
Anyway, they arrived, with more flowers in hand, and a wonderful dinner that they "Ready, Set, Cooked". I held off on my Darvocet after 3pm so I could have a little wine with dinner, but in retrospect, have determined that one glass of wine is not worth holding off on the drugs! Maybe in a week or so....
Our dinner consisted of a lovely tossed salad with mixed greens, candied walnuts, blue cheese, and cranberries, Roasted root veggies, hashed brussel sprouts, and grilled pork chops with Penzey's Bicentennial blend. Dessert too - frozen yogurt with fresh strawberries and chocolate nibs! What a delight it was to have company, and dinner to boot!. Thanks Rob & Deb!!!
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Day 4: Swelling, Green Bruising? Is it Normal?

Well, I'm wondering if the swelling I'm now experiencing right behind my knee and i

We've called (and left multiple messages) for both Visiting Nurses and for Dr. Casscells office just to set our minds at ease that this is normal. We started calling at 1pm, and just finally got a call back from Visiting Nurses at 4:30pm. In the meantime, I've done my PT, and iced my knee twice - trying to keep it elevated to reduce the swelling. She (Lisa) took all of my info, and is coming out to check on me, just in case.
More later.....
P.S. Deborah - these photos are for you.... You asked for the gory pictures!
Sunday AM: Turns out my Aetna coverage is only for PT visiting Nurses, not real Nurses.... So, she didn't come out after all. We talked, and she said that what I was experiencing was "probably" normal, and if the swelling increases tomorrow, to give my Dr a call, and see if he'll write a script to have the nurse come out.... So, JD did some research on the web (we should have done that earlier), and found that we can expect the swelling to slowly diminish over the next six months. Yikes!!!! I guess it (the swelling & bruising) is normal!
The swelling is down some from yesterday, and doesn't feel quite so tight. Yeah!
Friday, February 20, 2009
2nd day home
I have to admit - I was feeling quite cocky at the hospital when I was "breezing" thru PT and walking around the floor while others were in near or real tears. I think reality has hit me. Last evening, I noticed some blood at the site where the On-Q pump catheter was inserted, and decided since there was just a little of the Lidocaine left, that I'd go ahead and pull it out. So we had to bandage up that little mess, and then the Lidocaine started to wear off...
My right thigh was swollen about 2 1/2 inches more than my left, and it was making walking (even with the walker - which I was doing quite well with in the hospital) difficult. So early (9pm) to bed, with a regiman of 2 hrs on and 2 hrs off for the EBIce machine - and this morning, I feel like more myself. My swelling has dropped about an inch, and I am walking better.
Now, I've cleaned myself up, washed my hair, and with the help of Mary Lou (my neighbor), I completed my morning regiman of PT.
JD ran out for errands. He bought a remote control off/on for the EBIce device, since the only way you can turn it off is to unplug it - bad design. He also picked up lunch - which was a pleasant diversion. Hopefully all of the PT will work off some of what I'll be eating these next few weeks.
I'm so lucky that JD is able to be my caretaker and coach, and to have such good friends and neighbors. My house is beginning to look like a florist - but I do love flowers, so they are not going to waste!
I'm now waiting for Mary Beth my Visiting Nurse/PT person to arrive and I'll find out exactly what is in store for me over the next few weeks working here.
More later.....
My right thigh was swollen about 2 1/2 inches more than my left, and it was making walking (even with the walker - which I was doing quite well with in the hospital) difficult. So early (9pm) to bed, with a regiman of 2 hrs on and 2 hrs off for the EBIce machine - and this morning, I feel like more myself. My swelling has dropped about an inch, and I am walking better.
Now, I've cleaned myself up, washed my hair, and with the help of Mary Lou (my neighbor), I completed my morning regiman of PT.
JD ran out for errands. He bought a remote control off/on for the EBIce device, since the only way you can turn it off is to unplug it - bad design. He also picked up lunch - which was a pleasant diversion. Hopefully all of the PT will work off some of what I'll be eating these next few weeks.
I'm so lucky that JD is able to be my caretaker and coach, and to have such good friends and neighbors. My house is beginning to look like a florist - but I do love flowers, so they are not going to waste!
I'm now waiting for Mary Beth my Visiting Nurse/PT person to arrive and I'll find out exactly what is in store for me over the next few weeks working here.
More later.....
Thursday, February 19, 2009
I'm home!
Yesterday was a tough one - PT two times, and then again this morning. However, it was worth it. I progressed quite a bit from yesterday morning - my extension was 103 degrees - and they are hoping for 90 before you leave! Seems like I'm model student. I felt pretty good compared to some of the other people there who were really experiencing a lot of pain. I honestly believe it has a lot to do with my surgeon, and my On-Q pump which has provided local anesthesia to the knee. Thanks Dr. Casscells!!!!
I need to continue the exercises on my own ( with the help from my coach) this afternoon - and then the visiting PT person comes tomorrow to make sure I'm doing it correctly, and we
have everything we need at the house.
We arrived home with a bunch of helping things - my own walker, commode, and several long things that help in a variety of ways - one helps to move your leg since it can't bend very much, one helps put on your pants, and one grabs things that are out of reach. but the best is my beer cooler - that we fill with ice, and beer, and then a nice wrap around my knee to keep it cold. Oh, actually we're not supposed to put beer in it, darn!
JD went out to get a few more items - a teak stool for the shower, another grabber handle for inside the shower.
UPS just arrived with a box of Blenheim apricots from JD's stepmom, boy are they great. They are not your ordinary dried apricots - but the best that California has to offer! Betty is having knee surgery on Feb 26th, so I'll be able to provide her some insight!
Thanks to everyone for your thoughts and words!
I need to continue the exercises on my own ( with the help from my coach) this afternoon - and then the visiting PT person comes tomorrow to make sure I'm doing it correctly, and we
We arrived home with a bunch of helping things - my own walker, commode, and several long things that help in a variety of ways - one helps to move your leg since it can't bend very much, one helps put on your pants, and one grabs things that are out of reach. but the best is my beer cooler - that we fill with ice, and beer, and then a nice wrap around my knee to keep it cold. Oh, actually we're not supposed to put beer in it, darn!
JD went out to get a few more items - a teak stool for the shower, another grabber handle for inside the shower.
UPS just arrived with a box of Blenheim apricots from JD's stepmom, boy are they great. They are not your ordinary dried apricots - but the best that California has to offer! Betty is having knee surgery on Feb 26th, so I'll be able to provide her some insight!
Thanks to everyone for your thoughts and words!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
I'm so excited!
The first day wasn't bad at all, some other folks are experiencing nausea, but I haven't at all. Thank goodness. My group at work sent me a beautiful flower and plant arrangement (which hopefully I won't kill later - my thumb isn't very green) - and I've now got a little helper from Nancy - for when JD needs a break.
I think the pain meds were having an effect on me yesterday, since I've knit and frogged my Moebius scarf FOUR times. I finally got it, and am now on my way to a beautiful, soft baby alpaca and cashmere scarf. I'll include a picture when it finally takes it's form.
That's it for now, we'll be off to our lunch in the Brandywine Room (no, not the one in the Hotel DuPont), but I'm sure the food will be good regardless. Thanks to everyone for your prayers, comments and emails!!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Capable and Helpful Professionals
Tuesday Morning (no discount store here!)
Is this an incentive spirometer...or some kind of bong? Only Michael Phelps knows for sure.
Jan's in great spirits, pain well managed, and has been up and down the hallway already
Jan keeps a cooler of beer on hand for any visitors (actually it's the chilled water circulating pump that chills her knee).
Notes from The Coach (J.D.)...it was a long day yesterday, but surely even longer for Jan. They had to wake her up every 2 hours overnight for blood tests and rudimentary (rude-imentary?) PT. When Jan's mom was having surgery a while back they woke her up and asked "who is the current president?"; she responded "...George Bush...unfortunately". ;-)
PT starts this morning with a walk down the hall and formal PT in the afternoon. We're doing takeout dinner from Rasa Sayang this afternoon (maybe jello for dessert!).
Here's Jan getting prep'd yesterday: a positive attitude...and non-slip sox!
Home for 3 days: 
This is Dr. Chris Casscells...a super guy with great experience, skills, and patience with patients!
PT starts this morning with a walk down the hall and formal PT in the afternoon. We're doing takeout dinner from Rasa Sayang this afternoon (maybe jello for dessert!).
Here's Jan getting prep'd yesterday: a positive attitude...and non-slip sox!
This is Dr. Chris Casscells...a super guy with great experience, skills, and patience with patients!

Monday, February 16, 2009
PT starts tomorrow (and real food too!), with serious PT on Wednesday, then winding down Thursday with checkout in the afternoon.
Here's Jan...in great spirits!!!
2/16/09 - S Day.....and a little knitting
Well, I'm much calmer than I thought I would be.... I guess all of the upfront investigation and research has contributed to a better understanding of what is to come, so I'm sitting here, clean, legs shaved (don't want to embarrass myself in front of Dr. C and the rest of my surgery crew), hair washed (I don't think I'll be able to wash it the whole time in the hospital - Yikes - some of us need to wash it every day, Debbie!), and with about an hour and thirty minutes to spare before we have to be at the hospital.
I've decided to bring two knitting projects with me - my socks which have undergo
ne a transformation (actually I had to start all over) - since Knitting weekend - I had made them way, way to large. Luckily one of the Knitting gurus with us, Janet pointed out my issue, and encouraged me to rip it all out and start over. I have to say, she was right, and now I'm almost at six inches of cuff, and will be ready to start the heel (again) later today if my mind lets me.
I'm also starting a Cat Bohrdi moebius scarf - it's a really cool diagonal mirrored arrow pattern - a little lace - and I'm going to work with a King George baby Alpaca, merino, cashmere yarn in guess what colors? Oh, you guessed - purple and teal? Yeah, OK, I'm predictable! I'll post a picture here when I've got it finished. There is a really cool UTube of Cat doing the Moebius Cast-on
I've decided to bring two knitting projects with me - my socks which have undergo
I'm also starting a Cat Bohrdi moebius scarf - it's a really cool diagonal mirrored arrow pattern - a little lace - and I'm going to work with a King George baby Alpaca, merino, cashmere yarn in guess what colors? Oh, you guessed - purple and teal? Yeah, OK, I'm predictable! I'll post a picture here when I've got it finished. There is a really cool UTube of Cat doing the Moebius Cast-on
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Masai don't have bad knees...Jan is now a Swiss miss
Time for Jan's worser half to practice blogging...with "the kindest cut" a day away I kneed to get in blog shape. Here's another NYTimes article from last May: "New Advice". It's interesting to see how many TKR blogs are out there...most tend to be negative, but such is the nature of the Internet.
Sports after TKR? Yes! But excuse me, bowling is NOT a sport: "Non-Conforming Stress". Dr. C, can you prescribe a heavy dose of Asp(er)en? Drink lots of Buttermilk?
Yours in eminent support,
Coach J.D.
p.s. Have discovered "joint replacement therapy" has nothing to do with cannabis...
Sports after TKR? Yes! But excuse me, bowling is NOT a sport: "Non-Conforming Stress". Dr. C, can you prescribe a heavy dose of Asp(er)en? Drink lots of Buttermilk?
Yours in eminent support,
Coach J.D.
p.s. Have discovered "joint replacement therapy" has nothing to do with cannabis...
2/15 - One day more....
We saw the Holmes Bros at Arden last night, and they were wonderful. A trio of blues brothers!
JD found a very interesting article about Baby Boomers getting joint replacement surgery - check it out!
JD found a very interesting article about Baby Boomers getting joint replacement surgery - check it out!
Saturday, February 14, 2009
2/14/09 - Valentine's Day
JD bought flowers, and I bought chocolate - a match made in heaven! We're heading to Arden for their Valentine's Guild Hall dinner - and a Blues concert to follow. It's always interesting to have dinner (especially VD) with 100+ other people - since this is an organized neighborhood event. Not ours, but our wannabe neighborhood. Arden is an artsy communal area of North Wilmington, where you can buy the house, and the Arden community owns the land - and you lease it. It started back in the 1920's - kind of a bohemian area - each house is different and eclectic. Some are very cool - like our friend Finn's - which is adobe like.
I started taking Celebrex this morning at Dr. Casscells direction. This is to help with stiffness in preparation for the surgery. We also discussed an interesting pain reliever called the On-Q Pain Pump which is inserted during surgery, and provides local anethesia directly to the knee for up to five days after surgery. When I was teaching a jewelry class in early January, one of the attendees mentioned that her husband had knee surgery by Christopher Casscells, and he used the On-Q Pain Pump - and found that he needed very little of the narcotic pain medication - since the knee was feeling almost no pain. I was intrigued, and asked Dr. Casscells about it, and he was very willing to do it for me too.
I think I have everything I need for Monday, I've purchased some sweats that fall right below the knee - since I'm supposed to have shorts - I figure I can roll up one leg, and at least keep the other a little warmer. I'm ready, I think. Lots of books for my ipod, and a few knitting projects that are pretty simple and won't require too much thinking.... I'm working on some socks - almost ready to move to the heel and a sweater that is pure stockinette stitch. I've also got my book from the library that is for our Book Club - Alias Grace by Margaret Atwood. She is always an interesting read....
I started taking Celebrex this morning at Dr. Casscells direction. This is to help with stiffness in preparation for the surgery. We also discussed an interesting pain reliever called the On-Q Pain Pump which is inserted during surgery, and provides local anethesia directly to the knee for up to five days after surgery. When I was teaching a jewelry class in early January, one of the attendees mentioned that her husband had knee surgery by Christopher Casscells, and he used the On-Q Pain Pump - and found that he needed very little of the narcotic pain medication - since the knee was feeling almost no pain. I was intrigued, and asked Dr. Casscells about it, and he was very willing to do it for me too.
I think I have everything I need for Monday, I've purchased some sweats that fall right below the knee - since I'm supposed to have shorts - I figure I can roll up one leg, and at least keep the other a little warmer. I'm ready, I think. Lots of books for my ipod, and a few knitting projects that are pretty simple and won't require too much thinking.... I'm working on some socks - almost ready to move to the heel and a sweater that is pure stockinette stitch. I've also got my book from the library that is for our Book Club - Alias Grace by Margaret Atwood. She is always an interesting read....
Friday, February 13, 2009
2/13 - Friday the 13th!!!!
When I went for my orientation at the Joint Center in late January, several of the folks in my session were scheduled for today, Friday the 13th.... now, I'm not superstitious, but I don't think I'd want to have my surgery today - and not at the end of the week when the doctor is tired... I want him fresh, relaxed after a nice weekend!
I think I've done everything I can to get my "affairs" in order - I've cleaned up my office - so that it won't be the disaster it was this morning when I come back, and Andrew will be keeping my chair warm while I'm out. Project work is in very capable hands with Andrew, Tom and Vanessa, my audix message has been changed, email auto notifier has been updated, and I've got my living will from the lock box. I am confident that I won't need it, but just in case....
I can't tell you all how much it mean to me that you've sent me notes or stopped by - and wished me well...
Less than 2.5 days left...
I think I've done everything I can to get my "affairs" in order - I've cleaned up my office - so that it won't be the disaster it was this morning when I come back, and Andrew will be keeping my chair warm while I'm out. Project work is in very capable hands with Andrew, Tom and Vanessa, my audix message has been changed, email auto notifier has been updated, and I've got my living will from the lock box. I am confident that I won't need it, but just in case....
I can't tell you all how much it mean to me that you've sent me notes or stopped by - and wished me well...
Less than 2.5 days left...
Thursday, February 12, 2009
2/12/09 - Life is Good.....Back Pain is virtually gone!
I woke up this morning to virtually no back pain! Yeah!!!!
Dr. Gold and his nurse Sharon have worked miracles on my lower back - all in preparation for the surgery on Monday. The goal was no back pain, and I think I'm here!
Life is good.....
This morning, Dr Casscells gives me my second Supartz injection in my left knee. We hope this will give me some relief until the left knee TKR in April. I didn't notice any difference this week, but from what I've read, you may not notice anything until after three injections - and some people never notice a difference - depending on the state of their knees.
I'm hopeful, cause I'll need my left knee and leg to support the right one for the first few weeks until I get my strength back!
Dr. Gold and his nurse Sharon have worked miracles on my lower back - all in preparation for the surgery on Monday. The goal was no back pain, and I think I'm here!
Life is good.....
This morning, Dr Casscells gives me my second Supartz injection in my left knee. We hope this will give me some relief until the left knee TKR in April. I didn't notice any difference this week, but from what I've read, you may not notice anything until after three injections - and some people never notice a difference - depending on the state of their knees.
I'm hopeful, cause I'll need my left knee and leg to support the right one for the first few weeks until I get my strength back!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
2/11/09 - The search for the Perfect PT place
I've been visiting Physical Therapy (PT) locations - figuring that since I'm mobile now, it would be a good time to do it. I will be doing PT at the Joint Replacement Center starting next Tuesday, and again on Wednesday and Thursday, then Visiting Nurses comes to my home three times a week for in home PT. This can go on for two - four weeks, then I'm on my own (well, JD will need to drive me at least for a while) going to a local PT place.
It's interesting how many locations and different setups there are. PT Plus (associated with Christiana Hosp) has two locations - one in the basement of PMRI on Rt 52 and one on Foulk Road. They couldn't be more different. The one on Rt 52 is small, has private rooms for therapy, limited "machines", and three therapists. This is two minutes from my office. The one on Foulk Rd has a full gym, a small "pool" or tub for water therapy, open tables for therapy and I believe more therapists - it's also much closer to my home. Then there is Pro PT in Branmar Plaza, which JD previewed for me (I'm checking it out this morning), which has a larger gym, 6 therapists, water therapy.
I'm also looking for a place I can continue to work out once the PT is over. And a place that may have a personal trainer to help me and guide me to a better and fitter place.
I'm looking at the whole experience as my chance to finally get my body in shape - with someone to help me... The Physical Therapist - from now til sometime in May or June, then a trainer after - if I need it then.... Maybe I'll have religion by then, who knows.....
It's interesting how many locations and different setups there are. PT Plus (associated with Christiana Hosp) has two locations - one in the basement of PMRI on Rt 52 and one on Foulk Road. They couldn't be more different. The one on Rt 52 is small, has private rooms for therapy, limited "machines", and three therapists. This is two minutes from my office. The one on Foulk Rd has a full gym, a small "pool" or tub for water therapy, open tables for therapy and I believe more therapists - it's also much closer to my home. Then there is Pro PT in Branmar Plaza, which JD previewed for me (I'm checking it out this morning), which has a larger gym, 6 therapists, water therapy.
I'm also looking for a place I can continue to work out once the PT is over. And a place that may have a personal trainer to help me and guide me to a better and fitter place.
I'm looking at the whole experience as my chance to finally get my body in shape - with someone to help me... The Physical Therapist - from now til sometime in May or June, then a trainer after - if I need it then.... Maybe I'll have religion by then, who knows.....
Friday, February 6, 2009
2/5/09 - Final Trip to Dr before Surgery
The week started out rough, but got gradually better as Dr. Gold worked miracles on my aching lower back. I will never hesitate to go to a Chiropractor again for sudden piercing pain in my back.
I met for the final time before surgery with Dr Casscells and was able to go thru my list of questions, and get answers to all of them. Now I know why I had to wait for almost 90 minutes before he saw me. If he spends as much time with each patient as he did me, he must always be running behind. I was prepared though, since I waited quite a while the last time, and brought both my knitting (I'm working on a pair of socks for myself - Rose, Purple, Teal - What else?) and my ipod with my current book.
Some of the questions and their answers - since some of you (my readers) provided me with the impetus to ask these.....
Q1. Why general anesthesia rather than a spinal (like all of the other Doctors)?
A1: Spinal causes the patient to be bed ridden for up to 8 hours after surgery, and must have a catheter (since they can't use bathroom). He wants his patients up and using the bathroom the same day as surgery.
Q2: Why not the OtisMed or Zimmer (female) Knee? What do you use and why?
A2: Dr Casscells has been doing TKRs for over 20 years, and has always used the Biomet (it's gone by different names over the years - but this is the current company). Here is a link to their website: http://www.biomet.com/patients/vanguard_complete.cfm. There are multiple other pages out there, feel free to puruse.... Anyway, What Dr. C told me is that while these other companies market primarily to the patient, BioMet is for Surgeons, and has 9 different sizes of knees (rather than 3 or 4) - and the top (that goes over the femur) and the bottom (that goes over the tibia) are interchangable - so if your top is bigger than your bottom.....All women will understand this! Also, this company uses a Vitamin E embedded cushion between the two bones for people my age (young)!
Q3: What else do you do differently?
A3: Rather than use staples to close the incision, Dr. C brings in a plastic surgeon who stitches the inner layers, and then uses steri-strips to close the incision. This ensures that the scar is less noticable, and heals much faster. Also much less chance of infection. - which I've learned is the biggest risk.
I met for the final time before surgery with Dr Casscells and was able to go thru my list of questions, and get answers to all of them. Now I know why I had to wait for almost 90 minutes before he saw me. If he spends as much time with each patient as he did me, he must always be running behind. I was prepared though, since I waited quite a while the last time, and brought both my knitting (I'm working on a pair of socks for myself - Rose, Purple, Teal - What else?) and my ipod with my current book.
Some of the questions and their answers - since some of you (my readers) provided me with the impetus to ask these.....
Q1. Why general anesthesia rather than a spinal (like all of the other Doctors)?
A1: Spinal causes the patient to be bed ridden for up to 8 hours after surgery, and must have a catheter (since they can't use bathroom). He wants his patients up and using the bathroom the same day as surgery.
Q2: Why not the OtisMed or Zimmer (female) Knee? What do you use and why?
A2: Dr Casscells has been doing TKRs for over 20 years, and has always used the Biomet (it's gone by different names over the years - but this is the current company). Here is a link to their website: http://www.biomet.com/patients/vanguard_complete.cfm. There are multiple other pages out there, feel free to puruse.... Anyway, What Dr. C told me is that while these other companies market primarily to the patient, BioMet is for Surgeons, and has 9 different sizes of knees (rather than 3 or 4) - and the top (that goes over the femur) and the bottom (that goes over the tibia) are interchangable - so if your top is bigger than your bottom.....All women will understand this! Also, this company uses a Vitamin E embedded cushion between the two bones for people my age (young)!
Q3: What else do you do differently?
A3: Rather than use staples to close the incision, Dr. C brings in a plastic surgeon who stitches the inner layers, and then uses steri-strips to close the incision. This ensures that the scar is less noticable, and heals much faster. Also much less chance of infection. - which I've learned is the biggest risk.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
2/2/09 - There is hope....
I had a really good night on Sunday evening. My back was not spasming, and I slept pretty well. I went to an all day meeting with an optimistic outlook - thinking maybe the lower back pain was receding. After about 15 minutes sitting in the conference room, I was almost in tears, and left the meeting to call my PCP to get a referral to a Chiro. Had to leave a message, so started checking it out on my own, and got a recommendation to see Dr. Gold. He answered himself, and after hearing my saga, told me to come right in - he'd work me in.
Sharon, his assistant, was pleasant, sympathetic (which I needed right then), and she did a procedure which included sonogram with little electric charges, and then followed by targeted electrical stimulation. She covered my back with warm blankets, and I layed like that for 10 minutes. Then Dr. Gold did two minor manipulations to my lower back, and amazingly, I had very little pain for the remainder of the day - even sitting in the same conference chair - and into the evening - the meeting included a dinner out.
Even sleeping last night proved to be relatively (my knees still bother me - who would have thunk it?) pain free - except perhaps for JD, who complained of my snoring....
I feel a little tension in my lower back right now, however, I've got another appointment with Dr. Gold later today, and hope that he'll make that go away.
My ultimate goal is to have no pain in my lower back when I enter the hospital - so that I can concentrate on making my recovery fast!
There is hope.....
Sharon, his assistant, was pleasant, sympathetic (which I needed right then), and she did a procedure which included sonogram with little electric charges, and then followed by targeted electrical stimulation. She covered my back with warm blankets, and I layed like that for 10 minutes. Then Dr. Gold did two minor manipulations to my lower back, and amazingly, I had very little pain for the remainder of the day - even sitting in the same conference chair - and into the evening - the meeting included a dinner out.
Even sleeping last night proved to be relatively (my knees still bother me - who would have thunk it?) pain free - except perhaps for JD, who complained of my snoring....
I feel a little tension in my lower back right now, however, I've got another appointment with Dr. Gold later today, and hope that he'll make that go away.
My ultimate goal is to have no pain in my lower back when I enter the hospital - so that I can concentrate on making my recovery fast!
There is hope.....
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Weekend Knit Away
What a great weekend! This weekend away with the girls was planned well over a year ago, and got postponed with our friends in Philly's house blew up... So, we put it on hold, and one year later, seven (7) of us headed down to the Eastern Shore of MD.
My back was bothering me most of the weekend - one of the ladies with us had a lot of experience with both knee and back pain, and noticed that I was "throwing" my hips and back when I walked - to keep from putting extra pressure on my right knee.
I'm going to see if my PCP will refer me to a chiropractor this week, and see if I can get myself aligned. I think I'm totally off right now.
But the weekend wasn't all about pain and suffering. We had a wonderful bonding time. I arranged for two visits to Fiber artists - Blue Heron Yarns and The Sanguine Gryphon both in Easton, MD. What a treat - and I think it worked out well for them too - since everyone purchased a few (or many more) skeins at each place.
We had a few "classes" - great learning experience. Sandy taught a few of us Tunisian Crochet - very cool - I think it would make a great runner or placemat. Will give it a try when I can find a long crochet hook. A couple of others spent quite some time working on the Knit One below scarf pattern - using some of the beautiful silk from Gryphon.
We all decided that we would do this again, but want to do it longer next year!
My back was bothering me most of the weekend - one of the ladies with us had a lot of experience with both knee and back pain, and noticed that I was "throwing" my hips and back when I walked - to keep from putting extra pressure on my right knee.
I'm going to see if my PCP will refer me to a chiropractor this week, and see if I can get myself aligned. I think I'm totally off right now.
But the weekend wasn't all about pain and suffering. We had a wonderful bonding time. I arranged for two visits to Fiber artists - Blue Heron Yarns and The Sanguine Gryphon both in Easton, MD. What a treat - and I think it worked out well for them too - since everyone purchased a few (or many more) skeins at each place.
We had a few "classes" - great learning experience. Sandy taught a few of us Tunisian Crochet - very cool - I think it would make a great runner or placemat. Will give it a try when I can find a long crochet hook. A couple of others spent quite some time working on the Knit One below scarf pattern - using some of the beautiful silk from Gryphon.
We all decided that we would do this again, but want to do it longer next year!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
1/27/09 - Back Pain persists....
I spoke with Eileen in Dr Casscell's office yesterday about my back and hip pain, and she suggested that I stop doing the exercises that hurt my back - do some back relaxing stuff, and call her in three days if it still persists - so I can come in and get X-rayed for that too.
The pain dulled yesterday during the day, but as night progressed, it got worse. Sleeping is the worst - or actually the task of moving in bed from side to middle to side. It's almost time to take more Advil, so hopefully it will subside this morning, and go back to the dull ache....
I went to Book Club at ML's last night - it was great to see everyone - we were 11 strong - and discussed the Echo Maker by Richard Powers as well as many other interesting topics.
This afternoon I go to the Wilmington Hospital Center for Joint Replacement to meet with the Physical Therapist. This should be interesting - I plan to discuss my current back and hip issues, as well as what happens after surgery. I know I get home visits for several weeks, but really want to scope out NOW where I will be doing my post surgery Physical Therapy. From everything I've read and heard, this is the single most important thing (besides the actual surgeon and surgery) that will impact my recovery. I want to ensure that I've planned out the best, most competent, PT that will get me going and make me work!
I had a recommendation yesterday from a Co-Worker for a local PT practice, but unfortunately, it is not in the Aetna approved list - so is not covered. That will be my challenge - find someone good, and covered!
More on that after the visit and evaluation.
The pain dulled yesterday during the day, but as night progressed, it got worse. Sleeping is the worst - or actually the task of moving in bed from side to middle to side. It's almost time to take more Advil, so hopefully it will subside this morning, and go back to the dull ache....
I went to Book Club at ML's last night - it was great to see everyone - we were 11 strong - and discussed the Echo Maker by Richard Powers as well as many other interesting topics.
This afternoon I go to the Wilmington Hospital Center for Joint Replacement to meet with the Physical Therapist. This should be interesting - I plan to discuss my current back and hip issues, as well as what happens after surgery. I know I get home visits for several weeks, but really want to scope out NOW where I will be doing my post surgery Physical Therapy. From everything I've read and heard, this is the single most important thing (besides the actual surgeon and surgery) that will impact my recovery. I want to ensure that I've planned out the best, most competent, PT that will get me going and make me work!
I had a recommendation yesterday from a Co-Worker for a local PT practice, but unfortunately, it is not in the Aetna approved list - so is not covered. That will be my challenge - find someone good, and covered!
More on that after the visit and evaluation.
Monday, January 26, 2009
1/26/09 - Dealing with Pain....
For the past three nights, I have had an incredible lower back pain - which radiates out to both of my hips - since I sleep (or try to) on my side(s). I have to say, when my back and hips ache, I don't even think about my knees - except for the nightmare last night that I not only have the Bilateral TKR coming up, but that I also need both hips replaced....
I'm hopeful that this recent pain is due to the exercises that I've been doing to get stronger prior to surgery, and nothing more sinister.
I'm hopeful that this recent pain is due to the exercises that I've been doing to get stronger prior to surgery, and nothing more sinister.
knee replaement,
total knee replacement
Sunday, January 25, 2009
1/25/09 - TKR Animated Video
I found this very well done animated video on the web today - it really makes the entire process seem pretty easy! If only!!!!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
1/22/09 - Orientation at the Joint Replacement Center
J.D. and I attended the orientation to learn what to expect during my stay in the Joint Replacement Center (JRC). This is a section of the Wilmington Hospital that is segregated from the rest of the hospital (and sick people).
We heard from one of the Nancy - one of the nurses and Lisa from PT. Nancy stressed that when we were there, we are not sick, but there to work - and get healthy again. Lisa let us know that physical therapy would be a major part of the stay, beginning the first day after surgery. Nancy also talked about pain management - You mean there will be pain???? Yikes!
We heard from one of the Nancy - one of the nurses and Lisa from PT. Nancy stressed that when we were there, we are not sick, but there to work - and get healthy again. Lisa let us know that physical therapy would be a major part of the stay, beginning the first day after surgery. Nancy also talked about pain management - You mean there will be pain???? Yikes!
Thursday, January 8, 2009
1/08/09 - first visit to Orthopedic Surgeon
After complaining for a few years to my Primary Care Physician (PCP) of my knee pain, he referred me to see an Orthopedic Surgeon. His office had me get X-rays of both knees - and when his assistant took her first look at my right knee X-ray - she said "that's got to hurt!" Turns out I'm bone on bone on the right knee, and getting close on the left.
Dr. Casscells told me the only choice beside pain for the rest of my life was Bilateral (both) TKR total knee replacement. I decided there and then to schedule both - and started my journey to a pain free life.
Dr. Casscells told me the only choice beside pain for the rest of my life was Bilateral (both) TKR total knee replacement. I decided there and then to schedule both - and started my journey to a pain free life.
knee replaement,
total knee replacement
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