Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Day 9 days after surgery - baby steps

I'm making progress.....

1) Yesterday, I lifted my leg from the floor onto the ottoman with three pillows without the help of my trusty leg lifter (one of the tools I was given (I'm sure I bought it!) while in the hospital.

2) Last night, I got my leg up and down from bed every time (it's still about every 2 hours) without the leg lifter.

3) My Flexion (how close to my body I can move my foot in sitting position) is now at 109 degrees. It was at 103 when i left the hospital, and has gone up 2 degrees with each visit of the Physical Therapist (PT)

4) I carried my coffee into the den by myself - using the walker with one hand, and the coffee in the other (and I didn't spill it!)

5) The measurements of my right thigh, knee and calf are almost the same as my left leg - which means the swelling has mostly gone down!

Baby steps, but progress all the same! It feels good!

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