I've started packing for my left Total Knee Replacement (TKR), getting everything ready for my four day stay at the Wilmington Hospital - Center for Advanced Joint Replacement. I've requested the bed by the window (experience from the first one) so I can see some natural light, as well as a little buffer from the noise and light in the hallway.

I had one of my last Out PT session(s) on Wednesday with Michele Gould (picture below)- who did my final evaluation. With a little pushing (and I mean that literally - and it does hurt) she got me to Zero extension - which means flat - back of the knee touching the table, and measured at 120 degrees flexion with the goniometer (I've included a picture of my favorite tool). She was pleased with my progress, and actually expressed surprise that Dr Chris is doing manipulation of the knee while I'm under. This is done to give a little extra extension and flexion - which I r

Yesterday I had my actual final Out PT with Steve R - who is the manager at PT Plus at Foulkstone Plaza. He and Michele have different techniques, but both are very good. I've setup my appointments with Michele and Steve for after my next surgery, so I'll be ready, and have the appointment times that I like.
So, I'm getting excited to get this behind me, and to get to this point (eight weeks after) from my second surgery. I'm looking forward to walking with little or no pain - it's amazing that my right knee is tight, but my left really hurts when I walk - and then beginning to do other fun things like biking, and golf again! I've been told that is all possible, including skiing which I hope/plan to do next winter!
Thanks to all of my friends and colleagues for your support and encouragement over the last couple of months!
So, keep your eyes on the blog, I'll (and JD) keep you informed of my progress.
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