With the exception of the two walking excursions, I haven't been outside of my home for two weeks (if you don't count the hospital). Dr Casscells really doesn't want me out in the world for at least a month - due to infection - which can be devastating. I learned that I won't be able to have any kind of "procedure" for at least six months and then will need antibiotics prior to ensure that any infection does not migrate to my new joint(s).
I'm still taking Darvocet every 4 hours or so, especially before PT to be able to push myself further than I'd normally go. Nights are the worst - not sure why, but I'm toally aware of the pain, and using the ice makes me shiver and cold. Not a good combination.... cause my thigh muscles start to contract, which are connected to the knee... you get the picture. I'm actually thinking of sleeping in my chair tonight - to see if maybe it's the angle of my legs.
Just got a call from Colleen, my PT, and she's not coming today. We got about 6 inches of snow last night, and it's still coming down. The roads don't look very good - and she's got a small child. So, I won't find out if I made more progess on my flexion until tomorrow! I'll keep working it during my self PT today.

So, I've been occupying my time with listening to books and knitting. I've finished one project that has been sitting around for years - it' snow a lovely lap blanket - and I've made two hats and a scarf. Plus I've picked up several other projects that have been sitting around for years. I usually have about six projects going at once - I admit - I'm a multi-tasker - just ask anyone I work with!
Knitting works really well cause it's something to occupy my hands while I'm forced to keep my leg up and on ice (it's under the lap blanket). It also allows for more multi-tasking cause I listen to books while I knit.
I've finished a bunch of mysteries - which are kind of mindless and fun to listen to. I prepared prior to surgery by requesting audio books from the library, and ripping them to iTunes - then bringing them down to my iPod. Easy to carry around.

JD just got in from plowing the driveway, and I'm watching the snow just float down outside the den window - it's actually quite beautiful... This is the view from my chair:
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