Rob & Deb called yesterday afternoon, to see if I'd mind if they brought down dinner from Whole Foods in Philly, and came for a visit. What a pleasure! JD did have to do some cleanup in preparation for visit - since I've been staying in the guest room (the bed is higher for getting in and out of bed - and also getting to bathroom with the walker - our bedroom layout would not be very condusive.
Anyway, they arrived, with more flowers in hand, and a wonderful dinner that they "Ready, Set, Cooked". I held off on my Darvocet after 3pm so I could have a little wine with dinner, but in retrospect, have determined that one glass of wine is not worth holding off on the drugs! Maybe in a week or so....
Our dinner consisted of a lovely tossed salad with mixed greens, candied walnuts, blue cheese, and cranberries, Roasted root veggies, hashed brussel sprouts, and grilled pork chops with Penzey's Bicentennial blend. Dessert too - frozen yogurt with fresh strawberries and chocolate nibs! What a delight it was to have company, and dinner to boot!. Thanks Rob & Deb!!!
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