Thursday, January 8, 2009

1/08/09 - first visit to Orthopedic Surgeon

After complaining for a few years to my Primary Care Physician (PCP) of my knee pain, he referred me to see an Orthopedic Surgeon. His office had me get X-rays of both knees - and when his assistant took her first look at my right knee X-ray - she said "that's got to hurt!" Turns out I'm bone on bone on the right knee, and getting close on the left.

Dr. Casscells told me the only choice beside pain for the rest of my life was Bilateral (both) TKR total knee replacement. I decided there and then to schedule both - and started my journey to a pain free life.

1 comment:

  1. Having Orthopedic surgeons with extensive training and experience in joint replacement and other Joint Pain is Very Difficult. One of mine Friend Also Suggested me about Robert J.Lee he is also very Expert as Orthopedic Surgeon.
