OK, so I got cocky.... I had a really restless sleep without the Darvocet - tossing and turning, and thinking about the dull ache in my knee, so on Tuesday and all the nights since, I've taken one before bed, along with a Benedryl (or Waldryl - Walgreen's generic). This has helped tremendously - in fact last night I slept until 6am, got up briefly and went back to bed til 8:30am! I also found one of my travel Temperpedic pillows and used it as a cushion between my legs when I sleep on my side. This worked really well too....
My left knee (the one that goes next) has been acting up - I guess the Supartz is not the solution, and it's now pretty swollen on both sides (water on the knee). I was beginning to think maybe I didn't need to do the left one - oh, well....
JD has the opportunity to go on a Geezer Golf trip the last week of April cause two guys dropped out, and we've been reviewing my Blog to see what my state was during the that time period for the first TKR. It's like Day 12 thru Day 19. We're talking it thru, thinking of all of the issues - like how do we get the ice upstairs at night - but I'll have two machines then, and it would only be getting the frozen bottles up (and down) each day. Food and drugs (getting them from the drugstore) can be done in advance... One issue is Out PT on the Friday, which I'd have to get to - and I don't know if I'd be able to drive yet. All of the other PT sessions should be at home - since Aetna covers 6 visits. So, it's possible that I could do it mostly on my own - with a little help from my friends....
We'll talk about it, and make a decision later...
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Monday, March 23, 2009
Day 33 - More Milestones/Accomplishments
I know it doesn't sound like much to those with two "working" knees, but the following are MAJOR milestones for me....
Yesterday, for the first time since the surgery I was able to:
1) Sit down on toilet without holding on to walls, window sills, etc.
2) Walk down the stairs one foot on a stair at a time (rather than one foot down, bring down other foot, proceed to next step). It wasn't fast, but it was something I haven't done since Feb 15th
3) I didn't take any Darvocet all day yesterday or last night.
I'm also pretty consistently going up stairs regularly - Michele (my PT) gave me a new exercise that really helps with this - you put your new (knee) foot up on the bottom stair, then (no hands), slowly bring up your other foot, then slowly put it back on the floor. I do this 10 times, take a short break, then 10 times again - twice a day. Once I've done this, I can almost run (I said almost) up the stairs!
I did wake up however with both knees swollen - my left (the one scheduled for surgery on 4/13) is swollen more than normal, and my right is really tight (the skin) - So, I've been using my little EBIce machine for both of them alternating!
My scar is getting less noticeable - I've been putting vitamin E on it every day (advice from the PT folks), and rubbing it - they said that will help break up the scar tissue. JD told me to remind Dr. Chris to make the left one symmetrical to the right - it will be like two out facing parenthesis'.
I've been working about 4 - 6 hrs a day pretty consistently for three weeks now - broken up by my morning & afternoon PT sessions at home, and M-W-F at PT Plus down the road with Michele Gould. She's been pushing me hard, adding more and more exercises, and it's paying off. Not only am I now at 116 degrees flexion, but I'm really close to zero degrees (flat) extension. And, when I weighed it at Weight Watcher's yesterday - I'd lost 2.2 lbs making a total of 4.8 lbs since I had surgery - for a total of 28.6 lbs total.
So, All in all, I'm feeling pretty good with myself. I'm still working from home so I can do the PT on my schedule, and ice when needed - even while working. I'll probably keep this up til after the second surgery, so if you're a co-worker and wondering if you can contact me, please don't hesistate - AIM works best - watsonjl28....
Yesterday, for the first time since the surgery I was able to:
1) Sit down on toilet without holding on to walls, window sills, etc.
2) Walk down the stairs one foot on a stair at a time (rather than one foot down, bring down other foot, proceed to next step). It wasn't fast, but it was something I haven't done since Feb 15th
3) I didn't take any Darvocet all day yesterday or last night.
I'm also pretty consistently going up stairs regularly - Michele (my PT) gave me a new exercise that really helps with this - you put your new (knee) foot up on the bottom stair, then (no hands), slowly bring up your other foot, then slowly put it back on the floor. I do this 10 times, take a short break, then 10 times again - twice a day. Once I've done this, I can almost run (I said almost) up the stairs!
I did wake up however with both knees swollen - my left (the one scheduled for surgery on 4/13) is swollen more than normal, and my right is really tight (the skin) - So, I've been using my little EBIce machine for both of them alternating!
My scar is getting less noticeable - I've been putting vitamin E on it every day (advice from the PT folks), and rubbing it - they said that will help break up the scar tissue. JD told me to remind Dr. Chris to make the left one symmetrical to the right - it will be like two out facing parenthesis'.
I've been working about 4 - 6 hrs a day pretty consistently for three weeks now - broken up by my morning & afternoon PT sessions at home, and M-W-F at PT Plus down the road with Michele Gould. She's been pushing me hard, adding more and more exercises, and it's paying off. Not only am I now at 116 degrees flexion, but I'm really close to zero degrees (flat) extension. And, when I weighed it at Weight Watcher's yesterday - I'd lost 2.2 lbs making a total of 4.8 lbs since I had surgery - for a total of 28.6 lbs total.
So, All in all, I'm feeling pretty good with myself. I'm still working from home so I can do the PT on my schedule, and ice when needed - even while working. I'll probably keep this up til after the second surgery, so if you're a co-worker and wondering if you can contact me, please don't hesistate - AIM works best - watsonjl28....
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Day 23 - Check in with Dr Chris
Dr Casscells checked out my flexibility and my scar, and said I'm doing great! I've been to see Michele at PT Plus three times, and she's added some additional exercises to my twice daily regimen. When she measured my flexion yesterday - I was at 113 degrees - which is good. She's also been working on strengthening my left leg in preparation for my next surgery.
I was able to use the stationary bike at PT Plus - and make full revolutions with my new knee.... And my biggest achievement is that I can now go up the stairs, one foot at a time, rather than old knee up, new knee up, then on to the next step! It's slow going, but a step change, none the less! I can't do it going down yet, but maybe in the next week.....
I now can get around without my cane, JD says I'm walking quite naturally - and I've walked around our neighborhood (about 1/3 mile) earlier this week (using the cane).
I got a final shot of Supartz in the left knee, since it's started swelling and hurting again, so hopefully, this will give me some relief until the surgery.
I was able to use the stationary bike at PT Plus - and make full revolutions with my new knee.... And my biggest achievement is that I can now go up the stairs, one foot at a time, rather than old knee up, new knee up, then on to the next step! It's slow going, but a step change, none the less! I can't do it going down yet, but maybe in the next week.....
I now can get around without my cane, JD says I'm walking quite naturally - and I've walked around our neighborhood (about 1/3 mile) earlier this week (using the cane).
I got a final shot of Supartz in the left knee, since it's started swelling and hurting again, so hopefully, this will give me some relief until the surgery.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Day 17 - I've graduated!
Yesterday, I saw Mary Beth, one of my home PT's, and she's signed off for me to begin Out PT. We've decided on PT Plus with a specific Physical Therapist - Michele Gould. JD did most of the research - to make sure that I get the best and most challenging PT available. Since I'm young (55) for this surgery, most of the people going thru PT are in their 70's or older. Their goals are mobility, getting around the house with less pain, etc. My goals are much bigger - Skiing, golf, biking, and of course getting around the house and my life with NO pain..... Our first choice was Elite PT - with Hash and Rudy, but unfortunately, Elite PT is out of Network for Aetna, and this could prove to be quite expensive over the long haul, which I'm going to need with two knees going thru TKR. So, we chose PT Plus - which is part of the Christiana Care Physical Therapy group. Michele comes very highly regarded - being one of the PT's for the Women's Olympic Soccer Team in Beijing! She also trained with Hash and Rudy when they were at PT Plus, so we think I'm in good hands! She may even think I'm a wimp compared to her Olympic athletes!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Day 15 - Putting my toe in the water......
I started doing some work today, really, I've got most of my leg in the water - but those of you who know me, know I can't just dabble.....
But, I've also got to be a realist, and know my limitations. I found myself pulled into SFDC (Salesforce.com for those who don't know), and finally had to push myself to get out of my chair and walk around. Now I've got to do my PT, then maybe a little more work...
Or maybe a nap.
JD took his day off from nursing today, he drove down to Rehobeth Beach to visit an old friend and have lunch.
I'm obviously getting around OK without him, and Colleen, my PT came this morning and told me I'm doing well or better than expected. I hit 110 degrees of flexion today, which is good, I think! Some people get to this point, and never progress beyond it - my goal is at least 115 or better. Think about that next time you've got your feet way under your chair - rather than in front of you, or straight down... Don't take it for granted!!!!
But, I've also got to be a realist, and know my limitations. I found myself pulled into SFDC (Salesforce.com for those who don't know), and finally had to push myself to get out of my chair and walk around. Now I've got to do my PT, then maybe a little more work...
Or maybe a nap.
JD took his day off from nursing today, he drove down to Rehobeth Beach to visit an old friend and have lunch.
I'm obviously getting around OK without him, and Colleen, my PT came this morning and told me I'm doing well or better than expected. I hit 110 degrees of flexion today, which is good, I think! Some people get to this point, and never progress beyond it - my goal is at least 115 or better. Think about that next time you've got your feet way under your chair - rather than in front of you, or straight down... Don't take it for granted!!!!
Monday, March 2, 2009
Foxy Lady!

I was taking pictures of the snow, and what did I see (and get a picture of?), our FOX! I caught a quick photo of her treking thru the snow, right before she dipped over the bank down to the creek for a drink of water.

I also thought I'd share with you a photo of snow on the whirley gig - which was actually moving with all of that snow on top!
The school's are closed, so it' wonderful to hear the screams of delight of the children as they play. JD just went out for a cross country ski at Bellevue Park - which has an old horse track and lots of great bike trails and little hills - which could make for some great skiing! Next year, I'll be able to join him!
Day 14 - A good weekend and snow to boot!
I went outside again yesterday, and walked up to Morley's - 2 doors down, yeah! It's slightly uphill, so it's more of a challenge than it sounds... I also actually put on shoes - well, one sho
e - JD had to put on and tie the other.... Usually I just walk a loop thru the house every couple of hours. Being outside was really nice, and as usual, we bumped into several neighbors, so I got to say "hi!" too.
With the exception of the two walking excursions, I haven't been outside of my home for two weeks (if you don't count the hospital). Dr Casscells really doesn't want me out in the world for at least a month - due to infection - which can be devastating. I learned that I won't be able to have any kind of "procedure" for at least six months and then will need antibiotics prior to ensure that any infection does not migrate to my new joint(s).
I'm still taking Darvocet every 4 hours or so, especially before PT to be able to push myself further than I'd normally go. Nights are the worst - not sure why, but I'm toally aware of the pain, and using the ice makes me shiver and cold. Not a good combination.... cause my thigh muscles start to contract, which are connected to the knee... you get the picture. I'm actually thinking of sleeping in my chair tonight - to see if maybe it's the angle of my legs.
Just got a call from Colleen, my PT, and she's not coming today. We got about 6 inches of snow last night, and it's still coming down. The roads don't look very good - and she's got a small child. So, I won't find out if I made more progess on my flexion until tomorrow! I'll keep working it during my self PT today.

So, I've been occupying my time with listening to books and knitting. I've finished one project that has been sitting around for years - it' snow a lovely lap blanket - and I've made two hats and a scarf. Plus I've picked up several other projects that have been sitting around for years. I usually have about six projects going at once - I admit - I'm a multi-tasker - just ask anyone I work with!
Knitting works really well cause it's something to occupy my hands while I'm forced to keep my leg up and on ice (it's under the lap blanket). It also allows for more multi-tasking cause I listen to books while I knit.
I've finished a bunch of mysteries - which are kind of mindless and fun to listen to. I prepared prior to surgery by requesting audio books from the library, and ripping them to iTunes - then bringing them down to my iPod. Easy to carry around.

JD just got in from plowing the driveway, and I'm watching the snow just float down outside the den window - it's actually quite beautiful... This is the view from my chair:

With the exception of the two walking excursions, I haven't been outside of my home for two weeks (if you don't count the hospital). Dr Casscells really doesn't want me out in the world for at least a month - due to infection - which can be devastating. I learned that I won't be able to have any kind of "procedure" for at least six months and then will need antibiotics prior to ensure that any infection does not migrate to my new joint(s).
I'm still taking Darvocet every 4 hours or so, especially before PT to be able to push myself further than I'd normally go. Nights are the worst - not sure why, but I'm toally aware of the pain, and using the ice makes me shiver and cold. Not a good combination.... cause my thigh muscles start to contract, which are connected to the knee... you get the picture. I'm actually thinking of sleeping in my chair tonight - to see if maybe it's the angle of my legs.
Just got a call from Colleen, my PT, and she's not coming today. We got about 6 inches of snow last night, and it's still coming down. The roads don't look very good - and she's got a small child. So, I won't find out if I made more progess on my flexion until tomorrow! I'll keep working it during my self PT today.

So, I've been occupying my time with listening to books and knitting. I've finished one project that has been sitting around for years - it' snow a lovely lap blanket - and I've made two hats and a scarf. Plus I've picked up several other projects that have been sitting around for years. I usually have about six projects going at once - I admit - I'm a multi-tasker - just ask anyone I work with!
Knitting works really well cause it's something to occupy my hands while I'm forced to keep my leg up and on ice (it's under the lap blanket). It also allows for more multi-tasking cause I listen to books while I knit.
I've finished a bunch of mysteries - which are kind of mindless and fun to listen to. I prepared prior to surgery by requesting audio books from the library, and ripping them to iTunes - then bringing them down to my iPod. Easy to carry around.

JD just got in from plowing the driveway, and I'm watching the snow just float down outside the den window - it's actually quite beautiful... This is the view from my chair:
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